Hiring can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. In some industries, it takes an average of up to 49 days to fill a single position. During that time, the company can struggle under the strain of being understaffed, all the while an HR professional’s time is dominated by managing paperwork and other lower-level tasks. 375x300 Jan FS blog and thumbnail .png

Fortunately, technology can help streamline the hiring process and make it more efficient. Here are three ways to automate your hiring.

1. Applicant Tracking

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) can be a valuable tool for automating the hiring process. These systems help you collect and organize resumes, chart applicants’ progress through the hiring process, and communicate directly with candidates.

  • Efficient posting: Stop wasting time logging in, copying text, pasting it, and logging out of a dozen job boards so you can reach all the best candidates. An ATS can post to many sites with just one click.
  • Streamlined candidate management: Never worry about spilling coffee on a resume. Avoid that nagging wonder: did I migrate all of the resume data into the Excel spreadsheet? An ATS allows you to easily track applicants' progress online and ensure that no one falls through the cracks.
  • Efficient communication: You can use ATS to send automated emails to applicants, schedule interviews, and provide feedback. Everyone loves a clean inbox, right?
  • Data-driven insights: ATS can provide you with valuable data about your hiring process, such as source of hire and time to hire. Getting more done in less time with increased accuracy – it’s a dream come true!

Remember, the goal here is to integrate and streamline your processes, so make sure your applicant tracking system seamlessly integrates with your HR information system (HRIS).

2. E-signing Onboarding Documents

Here’s a harsh truth: most companies don’t do a good job of onboarding. A Gallup poll indicated only one out of every ten employees thinks their company does it well. Does that matter? Absolutely. A report by Brandon Hall Group indicated, “Organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.” Improved retention means less money wasted on the hiring process. And increased productivity also benefits the company’s bottom line.

Thankfully, you can easily improve the lengthy and paper-intensive process of onboarding with an e-signing tool.

  • Faster onboarding: E-signing eliminates the need for printing, scanning, maintaining, and mailing documents.
  • Improved security: E-signing helps protect sensitive information that shouldn’t be sitting on a desk in a manila folder. Send a message to your employees that you will protect personal data and financial information in a secure format.
  • Enhanced employee experience: E-signing provides a more convenient and modern onboarding experience, along with communicating a respect for security, it also communicates your company’s commitment to being an industry leader. Only 25% of companies are currently using HR automation.

You may be picking up on a trend here, but when selecting an e-signing solution, it’s crucial to find one that is easy to use and integrates with your HR information system, like Future Systems’ Essential and Advanced HR.

3. Skill Assessments

Skill assessments have become essential for many hiring teams. In fact, one survey found that 70% of employers find them more effective than resumes. These tools help you identify candidates who have the necessary competencies and qualifications for a position. There are a variety of skill assessments available, including online assessments, coding challenges, and simulations.

  • More accurate hiring decisions: Skill assessments can help you identify candidates who are a good fit for the role, even if they don't have the traditional qualifications. And using a consistent assessment tool reduces human error.
  • Improved candidate experience: Skill assessments can provide candidates with a more engaging and informative experience.
  • Reduced time to hire: Skill assessments can help you narrow down the pool of candidates and identify top performers more quickly.

By adopting hiring automation processes, you can save time, reduce costs, and improve the quality of your hires. And while specific skill assignment tools aren’t currently available through Future Systems, our HR software can help employers track the completion and scoring of third-party assessments.

Bonus Tips for Hiring Automation

  • Start small: Don't try to automate everything at once. Start by automating one or two processes and then gradually add more.
  • Get buy-in from your team: Make sure that your team is on board with the automation process. Explain the benefits and address any concerns. After all, the goal isn’t to eliminate your HR team, it’s to make them more efficient and free up time for higher-level tasks.
  • Monitor and evaluate: Track the performance of your automated processes and adjust as needed.

With so much for employers to gain by streamlining these hiring tasks, adopting an HRIS system should be an “automatic” yes. If you’re ready to start saving time and money, reach out to Future Systems today.

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